History of the Club


With the object of funding a Hockey Club, a meeting, called by Mr A. J. D. Simey, was held in the laboratory of Messrs. Bass & Co. on the 25th of May 1899 at 4 p.m. 
12 Ladies and 8 Gentlemen attended and it was resolved to form a Hockey Club for Ladies and Gentlemen to be “called the Burton Hockey Club”.

Mr A. J. D. Simey (Convenor and Chairman) was elected 1st Team Captain. Entrance fee was fixed at 2/6 with an annual subscription of 7/6. T. S. Green (Hon. Secretary) was requested to write to the Hockey Association for “particulars” and a copy of the Rules. It was also resolved that notices should be sent to all Ladies and Gentlemen who had played in the previous season informing them that a club had been formed and inviting their membership.

The aim was to establish a first and second eleven. The first fixture list was provided for Gentlemen’s Matches. Ladies’ Matches and Mixed Matches. Both Nottingham and Leicester H.C. were amongst the initial fixtures and this link has been maintained for 75 years.

To read the full article please download the attached Word Document: Burton Hockey Club History


BREWSTERS HOCKEY CLUB    Memories of Ken Stanyon.......

My first contact 1963

The Brewsters was at that time a combination of Burton and Coventry & N Warwick (basically Coventry – not sure if North Warwick had joined them) the origins arose I believe because both teams wore the same strip and had a good social contact. Sunday games were a mixture of both clubs.

My first Festival was at Lowestoft when the team was a mixture from both clubs A European team

Was invited to participate and usually stayed at the same hotel. We had three (?) years there during which time the Coventry element dwindled away.  The following year was a complete disaster when we were told that no one had entered the Team.  Some members joined another team who had entered a team at Blackpool

For the following year Blackpool was suggested for us to enter but those who had been the previously were not keen. A contact had been made with Bournemouth and a team was entered. That was where I came in and was involved in its arrangement and did so for the following twenty years.

Mike Brooker was a keen supporter of the Festival and he and I became regular supporters of the bar. After he gave up playing he continued to go each year as an umpire together with Bill Arnold....


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